Easter Scripts
Drama is always a good way to present familiar Bible stories in a new light. Drama is also a great way of getting youth involved in teaching children while having fun. Drama is also a great way to get people, including teens, who aren’t normally visible in church to be up the front (or on a screen).
All these scripts are adaptable to fit the number, and abilities, of your actors; they could also be performed live or filmed in advance.
“I’ve crucified other men before, but his death was so unlike anyone else’s I’ve ever seen. All those strange things happening, all that people had told me about Jesus, everything he’d said and done while on trial, it convinced me that he wasn’t a criminal, wasn’t even an ordinary man. I know I’m a Roman and not a Jew, but I praised God that day, for sending a man like that to save us.”
Zoom Interviews
Two scripts for the price of one! Luke and Theophilus conduct interviews on zoom (or other internet video conference app of your choice). Both scripts, based on Luke’s gospel, are divided into parts with Luke, Theo, Peter and Mary Mag being the main players, but with the option to hear from other characters if you choose. Simply remove a part you don’t have the actors or time for; you could perform one on Good Friday and the other on Easter or combine parts from both scripts together.
Suitable for filming in advance or inviting the characters to join a church/youth-group call and performing live.
While scripts can be read from the top half of your screen and you’ll still look like you are looking in the camera, this should be done with some rehearsal first.
It should have been me
This very simple but powerful script helps us to realise what Jesus did for us.
This is probably has the most impact live but each character could turn on a camera and say their line in a zoom call. It could also be filmed with pictures, using famous paintings of the Biblical people and then photgraphs or films of the modern day ones.
Dr Luke! Dr Luke! Perhaps the mysterious stranger is something to do with the mysterious events in Jerusalem!
Dr Luke:
You might be right, Theophilus. Let’s see if we can make our new friends talk. We will have to be very cunning, they must not suspect we have guessed.”
Dr Luke and the Mysterious Events in Jerusalem
What if Dr Luke had been an Indiana-Jones-esque investagative reporter and Theophilus his sidekick? What if everyone they spoke to had to leave in a hurry right after they’d delivered all the relevant information? What if the sound effects guy had a sense on the dramatic and only the ‘dun-dun-duhnnnn!’ sound effect? What if all this was true and it told the events of Easter in a lighthearted but clear way? Then it would probably look something like this:
We also have Easter Sunday School lessons, including sketch ideas and scripts for Pilate, Peter and Mary Magdalene.