Why a Disorganised Sunday School?
This blog started as a way for me to share the Sunday School material that I was writing regularly. We had a monthly kids club on Saturdays and there wasn’t material that fitted well into our two hour time frame. So I wrote it.
And since I put all that effort in it seemed a waste to only use it the once; especially since we can’t have been the only group that didn’t fit into the standard format. It also became a place where Sunday School teachers who needed a game or a song that fitted with their passage could come and take just what they needed. Hence the pick-n-mix approach.
Children’s work or Sunday School refers to any Christian activity run for children between 4 and 11.
Anything aimed at over 11’s comes under the Youth Work heading and there’s a growing section for Pre-School kids, aged 0-4.
The aim of every activity is to see kids and young people put their faith in Jesus. This will necessarily include teaching them from the Bible, answering questions, having fun and showing the love of God in your life.
Who is writing all of this?
I’ve been working with kids in Christian groups ever since I turned 18 and stopped being one myself. I did a year of drama and discipleship training with Riverside Performing Arts in 2005, which included leading assemblies, drama workshops, RE lessons and family services alongside doing youth work at Riverside Church.
Then I became a trainee with Alverstoke Evangelical Church for two years doing mostly youth and children’s work in the church and with local schools, other churches, on camps and beach missions. As well as learning on the job from the fantastic other leaders I had theology training and attended a few conferences.
Eventually I went to university where I joined Woodstock Road Baptist Church and started working with the children there. I taught Sunday School for the 6-8 year olds, ran a monthly two hour kids club for 4-9 year olds and a youth group for 10 and 11’s.
Then I moved to Chicago, where church culture and the way people think about Christianity is a bit different. At Holy Trinity Church I started helping out by writing sermon sheets for 9-11 year olds and launching a playgroup for pre-schoolers and their caregivers. I then became part of the children’s work leadership team which meant I got to do more writing as well as teaching.
Now I’m experiencing a whole new perspective on Sunday School in a German speaking Church. Despite the language challenges HamburgProjekt has graciously let me help out with Kinderzeit (litrally translates to children time) and their Kid’s Praise!
… Captain Traz is just a nickname: I’m not actually a Captain.