digital sunday school

Tips for Online Sunday School

It’s not an ideal situation to be in - where you can’t safely teach kids in Suday School face to face. You can’t see if they’re engaging with you, activities are tricky to organise and impossible to supervise and it’s hard to ask or answer questions - a staple for Sunday Schools!

I’ve written, prepared and filmed somewhere over thirty online Sunday School lessons now - including a few in German which I’m still not fluent in - and, through trial and error, I’ve worked out some important questions to ask myself as I prepare.

For the Story

  • Where does this happen? Who is there? What has just happened? What is about to happen?

  • What is the main point of the passage? (You can find more detail on this step in my ‘How to …’ guide)

  • What apects of the Bble passage need to be focussed on to get this main point across? (And if it’s a long passage what can you leave out without altering the story while still supporting the point?)

  • How can you best tell the story? Reading the text (from the Bible or a kids Bible), acting it out, with pictures, with playmobile or lego figures? Write with the best possible method in mind and then work out how to make it happen afterwards.

For the Talk

  • Would the youngest child watching be able to hear and understand the main point?

  • For older children how can you break the main point into smaller sections?

  • Can you predict any problems or difficulties with this message? If so help them to deal with them now.

  • What would you like them to change in their life as a result hearing this main point? Tell them and ask them about how it might look in their lives.

For Prayers, Songs and Activities.

  • Do they relate to your text and support the main point?

  • Can they be done without requiring special equipment?

  • Do they need parents help? How can you support parents in this?

Many, many prayers for you in producing online teaching for kids - you can check out the Digital Sunday School lessons I’ve made here:
Series 1: Healing
Series 2: You Can Trust God because

Feel free to use them as they are, to watch them for inspiration before making your own, or to edit the sections you need into your own videos. Happy Teaching!

Important questions

Filming the first lesson in a new series of the Digital Sunday School this week had me rather distracted by the ‘how’ questions. How do I film my hands without a tripod? How do I make what I’m saying visually translate on to the screen? How can I make this homemade camera phone bipod stable and not casting an awkward shadow? How do I include a diverse representsion of who Christians are in this project? How will I be able to make more than one video a week? How have I lost [insert whatever I needed at that moment] again?!

To balance the self-centered and panic inducing ‘How’ questions I decided to write myself a list of important questions that I should focus on first when preparing a lesson. Yes, those how questions still need answering. But having a list like this puts them in their proper place; at the bottom of my to do list.

  • Does what I’m preparing come from the Bible or from my own head?

  • Is the gospel on display?

  • What does God want to teach me in this?

  • How can I say this in a way that a range of kids will understand?

  • What are the challenges of this text?

  • Am I glorifying God or myself?

  • Will this build up the church, locally and worldwide?

These are probably not the only things I should be thinking about but it’s certainly a good place to start. I also have 10 steps to prepare a passage for teaching which I find helpful in prioritising these kinds of questions as well.

Some thoughts on healing

I’ve been ill for a few years now. (Don’t worry: it’s not super serious or debilitating, it’s just also not going anywhere). And creating twenty video lessons for Sunday School kids about healing made me consider what I should learn about healing. So…

  • It’s good to ask for healing.
    There is definitely a part of me that doesn’t want to. Partly because I’m inspired by my friends with chronic illnesses or disabilities visibly grow closer to God through their experiences but also serve others in a way that is because of rather than instead of. Partly because miraculous healing has been concentrated in specific times in the Bible (Elijah and Elisha, Jesus, and the early church) and we’re not living in one of those times and I don’t want to ask and have God say ‘No’. But narrowing down all the healings in the Bible to just twenty took was a hard job that left me in no doubt that God, who understands and experienced suffering and pain, wants to heal us.

  • Healing is not the most important thing.
    Most of the healings recorded in detail in the Bible are there to make a point, about God’s power, his character, his faithfulness. Or that Jesus is the very same God, and that the Spirit is God still at work through other people. If all I want is healing my focus is too narrow and I’ll miss him.

  • Healing is for more than just our bodies.
    The most obvious example is the paralysed man who is lowered through a roof to recieve both healing and forgiveness. But I loved the chance to look at Psalm 22 and see the emotional and mental healing that David reaches out to God for. I picked Psalm 147:3 for a memory verse because God doesn’t merely bind up their wounds but he heals the broken hearted. My sorrow and suffering and mental health matter just as much to God any other parts of my body that don’t work as they should.

  • One day I will be healed.
    At the moment my healing is in a ‘maybe’ state: Maybe the medicine will actually be effective all the time. Maybe we’ll recognise a trigger that I can just avoid. Maybe God will answer my prayers miraculously. Maybe I’ll have the surgery and it’ll be the rare occasion where it doesn’t need to be repeated every few years. Maybe… just maybe. DEFINATELY God is preparing a new heaven and a new earth that will be perfect in every way with no death or pain! DEFINATELY I will be made like Jesus in all ways including a resurrection body that won’t suffer decay. DEFINATELY I will live for all eternity with the God who designed and made me, the God who has healed far bigger and far worse, the perfect God who will have made all things perfect and DEFINATELY the fact that my body works again won’t even be top of the list of wonderful things in that place!

I hope that if you’ve watched the videos that your family will have been encouraged by much more than God’s ability and willingness to heal but that what I’ve learnt will help you talk about the healing side of things. I hope that if you’re disabled, chronically ill, suffering at the moment or wandering what to make of healing in the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic that this will help to remind you of a few helpful truths. And for me on days when it’s particularly painful, hard to be ill or I’m feeling sorry for myself I’ve got somewhere to come and remind myself to take it all to God and leave it in his very capable hands.