how to...

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

I’m deep in the preparation phase for the next series of Digital Sunday School. It’s all colour-coded charts and notes about notes at the moment. It should coalesce into at least one video before next Sunday…

So I wrote up my 10 steps to preparing a passage. This is not, obviously, an inerrant guide, but it is one that helps me to centre what the Bible is saying and not my own agenda. I hope it helps you too, whether you’re preparing to tach a Sunday school class, make a video, do a Bible study with a friend, preach or lead a small group.

How to prep a passage.jpg

Telling your testimony

People have, correctly, been saying for years that social media is no substitute for meaningful connection with people, and now due to a global pandemic and various degrees of quarentine the internet is the only connection we have.

One way in which we as Christians can use the phone or the internet to build relationships within our churches, Bible studies and youth groups is by sharing our testimonies - what has God been doing in our lives? This is always useful but might be especially encouraging at a time like this where getting to know someone better by casual chit-chat has been sunk by the nature and awkwardness of conference calls.

There is real power in hearing what God has been and is doing in people’s lives. When carefully told our stories counter a tendency to explain theology without being relatable; put paid to the idea that we’re somehow better than others and diminish the image of being ‘sorted’ when we still struggle. It emphasises and gives rise to questions about the gospel – forgiveness, adoption, salvation, sanctification, revelation. We can say why we believe what we believe, and shake people out of their current worldview. We can encourage, instruct and edify each other. There is power in our stories because God is powerful.

On this how to… page are some articles I found useful as well as some tips for sharing your testimony either with anyone or for getting your youth group or Bible study to think about sharing theirs.