youth work

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

The name Disorganised Sunday School is becaue I’m disorganised - I’m not naturally a planner or organiser, I work well (actually better) under pressure - so I usually plan at the last minute, I lose things, I change my mind and it is only by the grace of God that anything happens at all! Over the years though I have learnt to start Christmassing sooner, especially as I’m never working alone.

All that to say:
It is only the 9th November and Christmas scripts and Outdoor Activities are already up!

  • There’s plenty of time to adapt the scripts to your situation. Are you filming on line? How many actors and how able are they? What is your setting is?

  • You also have time to find props and costumes. Do you have a stash that you use every year? What ordinary household objects can you use?

  • There’s also time to think about how you can reach your community with this? Do you have an outdoor space at home or in the church in which you could run a few activites? Could church families in your area each have one activity in each garden? Do you have an online platform where you could share a nativity story with people outside your church?

  • It’s a good time to start praying. Is there a family or a friend you specifically want to reach out to this year? Ask God to show you the opportunities to share the gospel with your neighbours? Thank God for the church family and ask how you can get everyone involved in some Christmassy evangelism?