5 Organisations every Christian should know

In 2008 journalist Matthew Parris wrote this after visiting the work of Pump Aid in Malawi:

“Now a confirmed atheist, I’ve become convinced of the enormous contribution that Christian evangelism makes in Africa: sharply distinct from the work of secular NGOs, government projects and international aid efforts. These alone will not do. Education and training alone will not do. In Africa Christianity changes people’s hearts. It brings a spiritual transformation. The rebirth is real. The change is good.”

He’s writing specifically about the effect of Christian charities in Africa but I believe that the good that specifically Christian charities do extends beyond one continent. Without making conversion conditional for help they see the value of a person made in the image of God, the beauty and usefulness of the world God made and the desire to share God’s justice and mercy with everyone. So here are 5 Christian charities doing just that.

  1. Wycliffe Bible Translators
    There are so many good Mission organisations out there it was hard to pick just one. I’m giving the shoutout to Wycliffe as they do they crucial job of making sure that every language group gets a Bible in their own heart language to learn about and hear from God in the way they understand best.

  2. Hoveraid
    When was the last time you saw a hovercraft? There not a thing of the past instead they do the job of taking missionaries, Bible translators, school and medical equipment, technical supplies and so much more out to the hardest to reach places, where ther isn’t even enough room for a plane to land (if a plane can land MAF will probably also be there). Hoveraid’s aim is to reach the unreachable.

  3. City to City
    Every Christian needs God’s word, the basic things of life, and the church. City to City is a church planting and resourcing network that aims to help local churches reach urban populations, which in 2050 will be nearly 70% of the world’s population. With their support new and existing churches will be equipped and trained to bring the gospel to workplaces, families, schools and universities in cities across the world.

  4. Youth for Christ
    The scope of YFC is narrow in that they focus on teenagers but wide in that they run youth groups with local churches in juvenile halls, schools, communtiy centres and churches in more than 100 countries bringing the good news that Jesus is for them to millions of teens.

  5. Mercy Ships
    The Africa Mercy is a floating hospital: able to bring highly qualified staff, the latest technology and practices to coastal regions of Africa. The ship is equipped with clean water, reliable electicity and easy communication across departments which isn’t true of many land-based hospitals in poorer communities. Much more than bringing medical help they also bring hope and a future to those rejected and stigmatised by their illness or injury.

Obviously this is only scraping the surface of all the charities who share the love of Jesus in word and action across the globe. In an attempt to capture the scope of the work I chose one from each of these categories: Mission, Aid, Church growth, Youth work and Medical Aid. They’re all worth your support and I’d love to hear about where else God is working, leave a comment and leet me know.