You Can Trust God Because
He Died For You

[Luke 23:26-49]

Watch the Crossroads Kids Club video on Easter first to hear the story, and then watch the Digital Sunday School Lesson, for a more focused Bible time, prayer, an activity and a memory verse. There are songs you could sing or dance along to and a link to a worksheet that has some questions and a country from Open Doors World Watch List to pray for. The questions range from direct (green), think harder (amber) to challenging (red). You don’t have to do all the questions just pick the ones that seem right for your child(ren).

Song Suggestions:
Story of the Cross - Rend Co. Kids
He died upon a cross - Colin Buchanan
What sort of King - Emu Music

Today’s Activity: String Cross. Make a cross in a frame. You will need a frame, and some wool/string/thread to make the cross. See link below for more deatailed instructions and ideas for making a frame. You will want to make a frame in advance of the video.