Exploring Ephesians
3. What difference does Jesus make?
[Ephesians 1:15-23]


Intro: What are you grateful for? And why? You could play a version of this game from Teach Beside Me.

Reading: Ephesians 1:15-23

Discussion Questions:
Why is Paul grateful for the Ephesian church?
v17-19a What gifts does Paul want to them receive from God the Father? What do you think of them? v19b-23 What are some of the ways God has made Jesus Christ great?
What role does each person of the Trinity play in this passage?
What difference do you think Jesus Christ makes to the Ephesian church?
What difference has he already made to your life? How do you hope he will change your life in the future?

Praise God for all the great things he’s done and who he is.
Ask God for wisdom and revelation to know him better.
— Prayer points

Extra Time: Find out and talk about your Gratitude Languages.