How to be a good Small Group Leader
Small groups are at the centre of any Holiday Club! If you have kids who aren’t normally in church their small group leader and helpers will be the adults they know best. It’s also the best opportunity for everyone to reflect on what they’ve learnt about God (through your questions) and to ask their questions.
Below are some tips on how to be a good small group leader. But play to your strengths as well! If you are naturally energetic get involved in everything and cheer your team on loudly, if you’re quieter look out for, sit with and encourage the kids who don’t want to join in, are shy, or who are struggling.
Tips for Small Group Leaders
Start each time by getting the group to sit in a circle where you can see all of them.
Learn the children’s names. Take time to talk to them about their interests. Pray for them. Care for and relate to the children in your group throughout the whole programme, not just at group times. The children in your group are your pastoral responsibility.
See that everything you need is organised for your group and readily available. We'll try and do this after each session for the next day. Ask for help!
Keep the children busy all the time. We will have some extra activities they can do if they arrive very early or finish before the others.
Be sure that you know what you are doing in each small group time. Plan carefully. What do you need to do in that session? What could be finished off at home? Will you have enough time to pray? Do you have an activity you can do if you finish early?
If you need help, ask for it. Members of the team not leading groups will be able to help you. Never leave your group unsupervised.
Give a strong, confident, enthusiastic lead. Children are more likely to join in if you do! If children don’t want to do something, don’t force them. Give them time to warm to the idea. Look out for the quiet, shy children and gently encourage them to join in. If they are reluctant, don’t put pressure on them. Give them time to gain confidence. “Why don't we sit and watch first then we can try it in a minute.” “Would you like to help me do it”
Praise good effort and behaviour. This helps to reinforce the positive aspects. We love it when kids ask questions so encourage that!
Be sure to conclude the group activities promptly so that the whole programme is not delayed.