Exploring Ephesians
8. What’s life with Christ like?
[Ephesians 4:17-32]
Intro: Play the chocolate game: every time a 6 is rolled the player must put on hat, scarf and gloves and cut up and eat a bar of chocolate. When the 6 is rolled pass the clothes on.
Reading: Ephesians 4:17-32
Go through the text and highlight or make a list of all the characteristics of the old self and another of the new.
Discussion Questions:
v17-19 What is the way the Gentiles live and why do they live like that?
v20-24 What is the new self and how can it be put on?
v25-32 What is each negative thing from the old self replaced with?
How are people expected to put off the old self and to wear the new self?
What things of the old self do you struggle with the most? What is the new self replacement for it?
What is exciting about the new self?
“Ask God to forgive you for your old self
Ask him to help you understand where you still struggle with things of the old self
Thank him for the new life he gives to everyone who believes.”
Extra Time: Replace or redo something old in the church or for a church member that needs fixing (with permission of course!).