Exploring Ephesians
7. How are we united?
[Ephesians 4:1-16]
Intro: Do a puzzle together. Talk about what unites the puzzle pieces. How do you work together to do the puzzle?
First reading: Ephesians 4:1-6 (As you read get the group to buzz every time you say ‘one’ and to bing when you say all.)
What do you think Paul wants to emphasise? What unites the Ephesian Church? As a united Church how should they act?
Second reading: Ephesians 4:7-16
Discussion questions:
v7 Why do people be given different amounts of grace by Jesus Christ? (Why might one kid need to be washed more than another?)
v8-10 What did Jesus do to give us this grace and make our unity possible?
v11-13 How does God intend his united Church/the body of Christ to work?
v14-16 What happens when people in the Church live united with Christ as their head?
Where in your Church do you need Christ’s help to be united to him and to each other? What are your danger areas when it comes to being influenced by others?
“Ask God to give your church unity.
Thank God for the grace that has been given to each of you.”
Extra time: Try an escape room to get the group working together. You can buy a pre-made kit or find tips to create your own here.