Exploring Ephesians
10. What is marriage for?
[Ephesians 5:21-33]
Find your pair! Prepare a pile of post-it notes each with the name of half of a pair on (for example, Salt on one and Pepper on the other). Stick a post-it on either the foreheads or backs of each player, where it can only be read by others. Each player must ask yes/no questions to work out who they are and find their partner. Other good pairs to use are: Holmes/Watson, Sausage/Mash, Drum/Bass, Sun/Moon and Jay-Z/Beyonce.
Reading: Ephesians 5:21-33
What are your first thoughts on this subject? How do you feel about these verses? How would you define the word submit as it is used here?
Doing exactly what you are told to do.
Being respectful.
Thinking of others before yourself.
To allow something to be done to you.
v21 What would it look like for everybody to submit to each other in the church?
v22-24 Why should a wife submit to her husband? Who does she represent?
v25-33 Why and how should a husband love his wife? Who does he represent?
Who should you be submitting to? What might change in how you act because of that? How can a marriage be a good witness to who Jesus Christ is?
“Ask God to help you submit to what he says is good for you.”
Extra Time: Read these articles and talk about what you think: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/ray-ortlund/submitting-to-one-another/