Esther 10 - The Great Reversal

Intro: Think about Esther, Mordecai, Haman and the Jewish people as a whole. Where was their position at the beginning of Esther’s story? What are their positions at the end of the story? Where did that change happen? How did a change in the role of one person affect the others? Try and chart their roles. Where can you see God at work in their stories?

Reading: Esther 10

Discussion Questions:
How did not having God mentioned by name in the book affect how you read it? Why do you think the author never mentioned him?
Why did the author think Esther’s story was worth telling? How has her story encouraged you?
Think about your relationship with God. Where did you begin? Where are you now? Where have you seen him at work? Have there been reversals in your spiritual life; and what caused them? What is Jesus’ role in the great reversal?

Praise the God who rescues and is at work.
— Prayer

Extra Time: Time for Esther Trivia. There are a bunch of interesting ideas on this page; I particularly like the set of triva questions (which you can put into any quiz format you like but are written as a basketball style quiz) and the second set of Esther Jeopardy questions by Wormy the Helpful Worm.