Esther 8 - The One Who Has The Power To Save
Intro: Who are the people who make rules in your life? What power do they have to make you keep the rules? How can you tell if a rule is good or not? How might a rule save someone?
Reading: Esther Chapter 8
Discussion Questions:
v1-2 Whose power is increasing?
v3-6 What is Esther asking for? Is it different to what she has already asked for?
v7- 10 Who writes the new rule that will save the Jews? And who’s authority means it is followed?
v11-14 How does the new rule help the Jews? Why couldn’t the old rule be overturned? What are the differences between this rule and the one that Haman made?
v15-17 What’s the difference between how rule is recieved and the one that Haman made? Do the non-Jewish people in Persia react in a way you’d expect?
Are there any parallels between how this rule is made and how Jesus reigns?
“Say sorry to God for times when you haven’t followed his rules”
Extra Time: Try and play a game without telling anyone what the rules are. How well does that go? Why do we need rules? Get your group to try to design a game without rules.