Esther 7 - The One Who Defeats Evil
Intro: Who would you invite to a dinner party and why? You could choose anyone from history and anywhere in the world? How would you get the coversation started? How would the guests react to each other? What would you cook?
Reading: Esther Chapter 7
Discussion Questions:
v1-2 What does Xerxes offer Esther? Why do you think he does this?
v3-4 What does Esther do about Haman’s evil at this banquet? Why does she say it the way she does?
v5-7 Why does Xerxes react so strongly?
v8-10 How does the King punish Haman and is that appropriate?
How does what Esther does help us with defeating evil in our lives?
“Ask God to help us conquer evil in our lives.”
Extra Time: In Galatians 3:13 Paul writes “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree” and he’s quoting Deuteronomy so we can tell this is a theme that runs throughout the whole Bible. How does this apply to Haman here? Read the story of Absolom’s death and see how they are both similar and yet opposite to Jesus? Read the whole of Galatians 3:13 and try and answer together how does Christ fulfil (or reverse) this curse?