Esther 6 - The One Who Deserves All The Glory
Intro: Get them to invent a taskmaster style task for each other (this tie break compilation may give them some ideas) after they have designed the most challenging tasks they then have to do the task themselves.
Reading: Esther Chapter 6
Discussion Questions:
v1-5 How can you see God at work in what happened? What has Mordecai done to deserve this honour?
v6-9 Why are those the honours Haman suggests? Why does he think Xerxes is talking about him?
v10-12 What attitude does Haman have to honouring Mordecai?
v13-14 Why are Haman’s wife and advisors so sure that Haman will be ruined before Mordecai?
What does our attitude have to do with honouring others? How does how we think about ourselves shape our attitude to others? Who deserves to be honoured by us? How can we honour God?
“Praise the God who deserves all the honour and glory.”
Extra Time: How do we honour people in our society? What does that look like? What difference does being honoured in these ways make to peoples lives?