Jesus is the New and Better Moses
Intro: Can you imagine what it would be like to be a slave? Imagine having to work from the moment the sun came up until it was too dark to see. Imagine having to do all the hard, nasty, smelly jobs that no-one else wants to do. Imagine being hit with a stick if you didn’t do enough work, or stopped to rest, or were too exhausted to keep working and just collapsed. What do you think you would want most in the world?
Games: Having to do with the rescue and the Red Sea
All the fishes in the sea - All the children in your group should sit in a circle facing outwards. In order name the children Cod, Mackerel, Herring, Plaice, Cod, Mackerel, Herring, Plaice, Cod… etc. When a type of fish (“Herring”) is called out by the leader all of that kind of fish (the herrings) should run round the outside of the circle back to their space and sit down. If they need a competitive element the last child to sit in their space is out. If the leader shouts “tides turn” the fish turn and run the other way round the circle. If the leader shouts “stormy seas” They should jump rather than run. If the leader shouts “shark’s coming” at which point, all runners lie on their backs and wave arms and legs in the air (or just arms if wearing skirts) until leader says “shark’s gone” at which they continue round. If the leader shouts “all the fishes in the sea” everybody runs and there is chaos!
Stuck in the mud - Run around! One person is ‘it’ anyone they touch gets stuck and has to stay in the same place with their arms out and legs apart. They can be rescued by a saviour who has to crawl in between their legs or run under their arms. (Choose an option based on the physical ability of the group/relative sizes of children/how many of them are wearing skirts.)
Talk: Here’s how the Moses and the rescue from Egypt foreshadow what Jesus would be like and why that matters to us today: Moses is the New and Better Jesus.
This talk "God shows his people the way” is more interactive (hold up cards or have on powerpoint the words the kids are saying and when to thunder and when to blow) and covers just the red sea escape. Great for younger kids.
Drama: This is a drama full of props and scenery. It can all be done with blue bedsheets and other easily availble things or your group can craft what you need.
Plague bingo is quite fun! You’ll need lots of pictures of the nine plagues. Get the kids to pick six out of a bag at random, it doesn’t matter if some of them are the same. Then pull pictures at random out of the bag and show and shout out the plague. If a kid has that plague they can turn over one of those pictures. If they don’t have that plague they don’t turn over a picture that time. When a kid has turned over all six pictures they have won.
Memory Verse: Learn Exodus 2:25 So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them. You can decode the heiroglyphs to find out what it says: Ex2v25 Hieroglyphics
All through History - Nick and Becky Drake
Mighty to Save - Hillsong United
“Worship the God who can do A-M-A-Z-I-N-G things.
Own up for the times you have disobeyed and done things you know he doesn’t want.
Thank him for making a way (through Jesus) for you to be free from sin.
Ask him for help living as a free man not a slave.”