Esther 5 - The One Who Wants What God Wants
Intro: What’s the difference between nervousness and an anxiety disorderand how do you recognise it? What’s do you get nervous about? Things like public speaking, meeting new people, living up to expectations. Why does it make you feel that way? What can you do to overcome that anxiety?
Reading: Esther Chapter 5
Discussion Questions:
v1-2 Why does Xerxes accept Esther?
v3-5 Why does Esther not beg for mercy for her people right away?
Why does she invite Xerxes and Haman to a banquet?
v6-8 Why does she invite them to a second banquet? How does this show Esther’s trust in God’s plan?
v9-13 How does Haman respond to Esther and to her Cousin?
v14 How do Hamans actions foreshadow what will happen to Jesus?
How does Haman’s attitude contrast with Esther’s?
What is the difficulty with waiting? How do you manage it? How do our desires reflect God’s plan?
“Praise the God who has a plan to rescue”
Extra Time: Find out a bit more about someone who was willing to sacrifice their life because of Jesus. For example Richard Wurmbrand or Bae from North Korea.