Jesus is the New and Better Abraham
Intro: We’ve seen how Jesus came to bring people who (ever since Adam) had been enemies of God back to him. We’ve seen how (just like the Ark) God gave Jesus as a way people could be rescued from his anger. Today we’ll see just how Jesus is like a trusting man, a willing son and a sheep that got stuck in a bush.
Games: To explore the idea of needing a substitute
Substitute Tag
One person is it, anyone they tag must go to prison (make a well defined area in your room) and are out of the game. If everybody is in prison the ‘it’ wins. However, everybody in prison can be set free if one untagged person goes to prison, they yell ‘go free’ so that everyone knows but that person must stay in prison. They can be set free if someone else untagged takes their place.Sheep hunt
Take it in turns to hide a toy sheep, as the children hunt for it the ‘hider’ must ‘baa’ loudly when someone is near the hidden sheep.
Talk: This short talk is designed to have the sketches in the middle but you could also read the Bible stories or for a younger group use a Story Bible (Chapters, Son of Laughter and The Present in the Jesus Storybook Bible for example). For a talk without the drama use this.
This first sketch takes us through God’s promise to Abraham, the 3 guests who give Sarah a shock and the arrival of baby Isaac. The second is about that time God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son.
Activity: Make a story wheel: each kid will need two card circles (you can use plain paper plates), one with a slice cut out and the other with six pictures on: join the two circles together with a split pin in the middle and spin the top one round to reveal the next part of the story.
1. Abraham and Sarah have a baby; 2. God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac; 3. Abraham and Isaac climb the mountain; 4. Abraham raises the knife; 5. God tells him to stop; 6. They see a ram caught in the thickets.
What a man; Abraham – Emu music
God’s People in God’s Place - Awesome Cutlery
Memory Verse: 1 John 4:10 Write it on a heart shape with ‘This is love: not that we loved God but…’ on one side and ‘that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins’ when you flip it over. Your heart and the decorations can be as crafty as your group can manage.
“Worship the God who always has a plan to save!
Own up for not living God’s way
Thanks for giving up your son to die instead of me
Ask that Jesus will take your sins away/ask that he will help you live God’s way.”